Moving your website to Thirdwp
Most of Thridwp’s subscriptions include moving your domain, website, and/or email. To make the transfer of your website and/or e-mail possible, we provide you with what we need from you in this article.
Moving the website
What do we need from you?
Your website’s domain and any additional domains that end up on it.
FTP Information: FTP host, FTP login, password.
Control panel data (not necessary, but we can use it to modify or take over domain data in advance): URL (web address), username, and password.
Transfer code of domain name or names.
What steps will we take?
We check the data you have sent to us.
We will look at your current website through FTP and the Internet and create a website on our system on which your site can run properly.
We set the Time To Live to 5 minutes in your Control Panel, ensuring visitors get to the new website quickly once it has been successfully transferred.
We will check if there are any special settings that need to be done in the DNS so that everything continues to work.
We make sure that all the files of the website and its database(s) are placed on the website at Thirdwp.
Where necessary, we adjust the configuration.
We set the website settings (for example, PHP version) correctly for your current site.
We perform a check to verify that your website is displaying correctly.
We change the DNS at the old provider, so visitors arrive at your website at Thirdwp within five minutes.
We ask you to run a check just to make sure everything is working as it should. For example, placing a test order if you own a webshop.
We move the domain name to Thirdwp.
You will receive a confirmation when the domain name has been moved. You can then cancel the given services from your previous provider.
Optional extras (SSL, optimization, etc.)
If you previously had an SSL certificate running, we will install the SSL on your website.
If there was no SSL running before, we can create it for you and make sure visitors can only visit your website in encrypted form.
We can perform speed optimization, where we optimize caching and compress images.
We can upgrade your CMS and plugins. In case you have chosen a subscription with maintenance, we will make sure that your website’s CMS and plugins are updated and remain so. This also ensures that your website is not hackable.
Moving email
We can create new email accounts on our server.
Last updated